There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. ~Louis Lamour~

I am willing to open my heart today for the experiences my soul calls forth for me. I recognize that my life is deep communing with Deep. I am refreshed and renewed this day for I am willing to see with kindness and clarity…insight that is fine-tuned by beginner’s mind. I am filled with divine energy that is willing to begin again.
I know and declare that I have everything I need. I am kind to and care for this vessel that carries me wherever I am called to be. I am loving and I am loved. I live in this present moment for I know that tomorrow always takes care of itself. I reciprocate in the generous world that has birthed me and I recognize that giving and receiving spirals in diverse and inclusive ways. Today is a brand new gift that is filled with Love and joyful surprises, and I am part of this continuum of Divine Flow for I am ready and willing to give it all away. I am always provided with what I need.
Gratitude is the glue…the symbiotic fluid that knows only mercy and grace and this is the field of possibility that I call home. I heal and I know that Spirit is alive and well in me.
And so it is…amen…
Rev. Jeanne Hoffman