“The months of November AND December ring in the season of Gratitude, allowing us to go deeper into our soul and express Gratitude in ways we have never done before. And so, I acknowledge Gratitude as a necessary Daily Spiritual Practice guided by Prayer.”

How Grateful I am to know that God is the I AM of ALL there is, nothing more, nothing less, all encompassing, all surrounding, all knowing, all Being.
How Grateful I am that the I AM created me as a conduit so that God can fully express by means of me.
So as an ambassador for Gratitude I declare: That Gratitude far exceeds and over powers anything that may be negative in appearance. It sheds the Light through the Darkness. Through sickness, poverty, even death, there is Gratitude. There are blessings in disguise all over the planet and it is through Gratitude that we recognize these blessings.
Gratitude carries us through hard times and through good times, forcing us to remain centered and steadfast, knowing that God is our anchor in all, as all, through all.
Gratitude brings us into alignment with our Spiritual Values, lifting our consciousness to a higher level. Gratitude blesses us with joy.
Gratitude connects us to our deep, personal relationship with God and Gratitudeconnects us with all of Humanity.
I am so Grateful beyond words for this Truth, knowing it is absolutely so as I release this Sacred Word through Law and Love, knowing it is already done.
And so it is. Amen
Judy Duncklee, RScP