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My Perfection

In love and gratitude, I recognize the life that flows through me, that is me,

is the same life flowing through and is everyone and everything else. I unify

my aspect of Spirit with the greater Spirit of my community. I bless

everyone I see, everyone I think about, and everyone I encounter during

my day. I affirm that all of my sisters and brothers, no matter the form, are

Spirit personified as them, and I honor them for the contributions they make

to our community and our world. I accept and am grateful for the love that

flows through and from everyone towards me, and I reflect and magnify this

love back out to the whole world. I release this truth, my truth, into the ever-

present Law of Life, knowing that the day ahead is perfect, whole, and

complete just as it is, and just as I am. And so, it is.

~ Beau Lewis Smith, RScP - Greater Philadelphia CSL


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 â€‹Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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