“And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that have never been.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke
I am refreshed and renewed this day—I open my heart and mind to receive the bountiful goodness that surrounds me and fills me as I remember this day that, God is all there is and I am one with all of That. I am blessed in this knowing and blessed in the giving of all that I have and all that I know. I give thanks for those I love and all those I don’t yet love.
As I speak in the first person for all who hear or read these words, I know that words have the power to transform and create…. Inventing new ideas and tools to bring Love into the mix…God into the mix….new ways of being healthy and wise and kind. As the Universe affirms all that is for Good, I declare that I am a willing participant in healing my own mind and body, and I lovingly support my sphere of influence in experiencing this same healing.
My energy is robust and I feel free from worry or concern about anything! I show up, I participate, and I am focused on living each divine moment to the best of my knowing…I am a magnet for joyful surprises and my day is filled with music, dance, and divine possibilities. I allow Spirit to love me beyond what I ever thought was possible…and I begin right here and now to love beyond the boundary of my mind and experience.
I feel good…I look good….I AM GOOD! I give thanks for this teaching that not only tells me that I have enough, for it also teaches me that I AM ENOUGH. Today I accept my good and I know that my demonstrations are meaningful and measureable!
And so it is…amen
Rev. Jeanne Hoffman