“You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself to be.” ~Lou Holtz
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” ~Aristotle Onassis

I recognize that there is one essence of creation, that which is and exists within all things. I know it by many names: God, Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, Universe, and many others. Regardless of my name for it, it is the same. It is the unchangeable creative power and essence of all creation that embodies all wisdom and truth.
I know that this creative power and wisdom are not only within me, but within all things. Each cell of the Universe vibrates with Its knowledge, power, and presence.
I fully accept the realization of the Truth of my spoken Word. I have unlimited access to Divine Wisdom knowing that it is fully available now to guide and show me the way. I accept that I am completely open to this guidance and that each step of my life’s path is perfectly revealed within me from this Divine Source. As I know this for myself, I know that all beings are also perfectly connected within this wisdom - each person is open to divine guidance in everything that he or she does. This creative power is available now and is used to manifest perfect right action and outcome in all affairs.
I give thanks for this Truth knowing that this is wholly and completely done.
I release this perfect Word into the Law which is the unlimited Mind of God. And so it is. Amen
Beverly Scott, RScP