“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth

As I walk through the Garden of Life, I embrace the Oneness of Love and Peace. I see God in action as the beauty of a flower. I breathe in the beauty of nature, and I breathe out disharmony. Gratitude is knowing I am one with God.
Each day is joyful. Each smile is a gift. Each day I see the sunrise, is a moment to be grateful.
Today I fill my heart with Love. I live and breathe Joy into every cell of my body. Right now I let go of the past, I let go of the what-ifs of tomorrow, and in this now eternal moment I sit in gratitude for all my Good in my life.
Although my days may have challenges, I choose to see them as learning moments and welcome the opportunity to learn and grow deeper with the Oneness of God. Life is Loving. Life is Abundant. Life is the warm sunshine of my shining soul.
With a very grateful heart, I give thanks for my friends, family, and spiritual community. I give thanks to those that share a warm smile. I give thanks for all the Beauty in my life.
Life is Great! With Joy and Love in my heart, I release my Word to Law and let it BE!
And So It IsAmen Wayne McDonald RScP