“I now welcome my new good, which comes to me in God’s wise and perfect ways. My good is now divinely restored. My life is made beautiful again.” ~ Catherine Ponder, Open Your Mind to Prosperity.
There is One Power, One Life, and that is the Life of God. God is love, rejuvenation, and renewal. I am One with God; therefore, I am love, rejuvenation, and renewal.
Spring has sprung, and as I move out of hibernation and into the world, I am renewed with new energy and vitality. I now do “spring cleaning” – releasing old possessions, outmoded ideas, and habits. I now embrace and embody new, positive thoughts and beliefs, I now welcome new good into my life – new activities, friends, and explore new places, doing so with love and enthusiasm.
Divine Restoration is taking place in all aspects of my life – relationships, health, finances, and career. New, creative ideas are emerging and expressing through me. I fully love and enjoy my new experiences and friends. The time is now to create wonderful, new things into my life. I am guided and directed to my highest vision, and intuitively know the action steps that I need to take. I lovingly and joyously welcome the good that I deserve! I am ready, willing, and eager to move forward with any goals that I have postponed. Life is good and wonderful!
I am so happy and grateful for the love, rejuvenation, and renewal that is in my life right now. How grateful I am for the new good that I am experiencing right now. I release my word to the Law, knowing it is done.
And so it is. Amen.
Rev. Kathy Lyons