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I am an instrument of love and peace!

There is only one power, one presence. This presence is God, all knowing and available to all. Peace, beauty, love, wholeness, and abundance are the attributes of this divine presence. God is indeed all that there is. God is perfect, whole and complete. God is Life.

Therefore, I am life. I am one with the infinite expression of love, peace, wholeness, beauty, and abundance.

Today, I affirm that the love of God manifests itself through me as me in everything that I say, do, think, and feel. Today, I celebrate that I am an instrument of love, and peace with everyone I come in contact with; I feel love in me and around me. Today, I consciously embrace the present moment without judgement. The Infinite Intelligence within me guides every moment of my existence. Today, I am inspired to live a life of abundant joy, peace, and harmony; I declare that my actions are actions of love, kindness, and generosity. I see and accept the highest and best as truth for myself and others; Today, I live in calm and peace.

Today, I give thanks for all of my good and the wonderful opportunities that come to me knowing that all is well. I am so grateful for my life and I know that I am blessed beyond measure; I lovingly release my word to the Law of Mind. I let it be.

And So it is! Amen! Ninoska Duenas, RScP


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 ​Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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