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Create Holiday Joy in the Present

Holiday Joy

Lyons Family Pets during Holidays

This blog post about creating holiday joy is by Reverend Kathy Lyons. It is about how you can create joy now, no matter how much your holidays may have changed from earlier times. This includes a free spiritual mind treatment for creating holiday joy at the end of the post. Use this free treatment immediately to experience more joy this holiday, from Thanksgiving through the New Year.

Rev Kathy founded and facilitates the Animal Kinship Ministry group meeting at 1 PM on the first Saturday of each month at Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills. She also facilitates monthly Pet Memorials for those who are experiencing the loss of their beloved pet(s).

Remembering Holiday Magic: Rev. Kathy’s Story

During my childhood and teens, the Holiday Season was pure magic. In the 50’s and 60’s, Christmas was a festive time in the Lyons’ household. We decorated our mantle with Santa and his Reindeers. One of my favorite traditions was going with Mom and Dad to select a Christmas tree and decorating when we got home. I learned about Baby Jesus, listened to Christmas carols, and helped my Mom and Grandmother bake holiday goodies, which were sometimes stolen by our Bassett Hound, Barney. One Christmas, Barney ate freshly baked loaves of bread that were cooling on the kitchen counter!

Barney (left) and Botchie (right) sharing space under the tree

Barney (left) and Botchie (right) sharing space under the tree

After all these years, I still have warm memories of eagerly awaiting the Big Day – Christmas! My heart was filled with joy and exhilaration – almost like feeling in love! So much, that one of my friends and I would play “Christmas” in the summer! I put a couple of decorations in my room and we would play Christmas carols on my beloved record player.

As I grew up, that magical feeling started to fade. The more that I attempted to evoke that childhood “Christmas Spirit” in me, the more escaped me. As an adult, things changed. Loved ones with whom I celebrated the Holidays had passed on. I no longer anticipated the Holidays but actually dreaded them. Christmas was a reminder of those people I missed.

Let Go of Attachment to Holiday Perfection

When I let go of my attachment that the Holidays had to be perfect or a replicate of childhood, my joy began to reemerge. The most important thing is to be with the people I care about – my brother, Russ, sister-in-law, Jan, and my close friends. My niece, Stacie, lives out of the country, but I have gratitude for the photos of her family that she sends on Facebook.

Create Holiday Meaning and Joy in the NOW

When I got on a spiritual path, I found new meaning of the Holidays. I don’t believe in the literal Christmas story that Jesus was born to save us from sin. However, this time of year, I do like to reaffirm my commitment to awaken the Christ Consciousness of love, peace, and harmony. It’s a time for me to have gratitude for the blessings that I have (for me, it doesn’t need to end after Thanksgiving Day).

At the Center for Spiritual Living in Granada Hills, we have several meaningful activities – Thanksgiving Eve Gratitude Service, Spiral of Light Winter Solstice ceremony, Holiday Service, and World Peace Meditation early New Year’s Eve morning and some years a New Years Eve Service. It is also a time of serving others with Toys for Tots or other donations.

As a mature adult, Christmas and the Holidays are no longer about lavish gifts and decorations. No longer do I try to recapture the Childhood magic of the past. Instead, I create joy and happiness in the here and now.

Rev. Kathy's beloved cat

Rev. Kathy’s beloved cat

Naturally, I remember and miss my Mom, Dad, and Grandmother. Also, it’s a reflective time for me. I look back at the past year – my joys and accomplishments, any changes or goals that I desire for the coming year. I cherish childhood memories; however, creating joy in the present is the most gratifying.

Below is the Affirmative Prayer Treatment for Holiday Joy created by Rev. Kathy. Affirmative Prayer Treatment is a form of prayer used by Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science and author of The Science of Mind textbook as well as many other metaphysical works.

A treatment is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation. If you want to manifest a certain condition (joy during the holidays for example), say the treatment out loud as the truth, knowing that it is so!

Treatment for a Joyous Holiday Season

When we constructive praise and creatively bless, life abounds with love, peace, and joy.

–Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind Textbook, Page 435.

I recognize that there is One Power, One Universal Intelligence, and I choose to call that God. God is love, peace, and joy. God is kind, generous, and receptive. I am One with God; therefore, I am love, peace, and joy. I embody Divine kindness, generosity, and receptivity.

I declare that this Holiday Season is a joyful and loving time. I reflect on my blessings of the past year, feeling immense gratitude. As I praise the goodness in my life, and as I praise, my good multiplies.

I spend quality time the people (and my animals) who are important to me. Also, give myself permission to relax and nurture myself. I remember my loved ones (human and animals) who left this planet and feel peaceful that they are continuing their Divine Journey.

I am open and receptive to new experiences that bring joy and fun. I open a hand of friendship and generosity to those in need. I am kind to everyone wherever I am – streets, freeways, parking lots, airport, and shopping centers. I embody peace within, so I experience peace in my life.

I proclaim that love, peace, and joy is everywhere on this planet. I know that all people are living together harmoniously, respecting one another. Every corner of the world is safe and peaceful.

I give thanks for the love, peace, joy, kindness, and generosity that I am experiencing during this Holiday Season. I have gratitude for the blessings in my life, knowing that they multiply throughout the New Year.

I release my word into the Law, knowing it is so. And so it is.

Reverend Kathy Lyons

Reverend Kathy Lyons

If you’d like to know more about the Center for Spiritual Living or receive Affirmative Prayer Treatment, call us at 1-818-363-8136 or email us.


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