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Wealth and Prosperity

God Is! Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient. Infinite, Indivisible, Absolute. One Life, One Love, One Light. All that is, is God.

This One Life is What I Am! It is an immediate Presence, and Experience that flows in, as, through and around me. This Life is RICH, OPULENT, and always GIVING!

At the center of my own consciousness, I recognize this Divine Presence inspiring, sustaining, and guiding me. The absolute clarity of my focus chooses from infinite opportunities and possibilities as I desire to express my financial abundance. The thoughts I think come from the Source can be realized in my reality right here and right now. I choose that which is for my highest and best. I am a good steward of my money, demonstrating wise use of it. My life is filled with all that it needs, when I need it, for as long as I need it. I give freely of my gifts and talents, being of service to those who ask. I am opulently compensated for my gifts and talent. My good flows to me and through me with the current of wellbeing that comes from my core.

Right here and now, I allow and receive this abundance with grace and appreciation. My gratitude joyfully expresses within every cell within me.

With complete faith and trust in the Universal Law that always says “YES!” I release my words and know that they reflect Truth. Law always manifests Truth, and I open my heart and arms wide to receive in this now moment.

And so it is!

Sherry Gideons, RScP


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 ​Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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