“Faith gives us strength and reassurance and leaves us bathed in the wisdom that we are never alone.” Debbie Ford

Going to the still place of peace and grace. I recognize this divine power, this perfect energy of healing, this infinite intelligence that I choose to call God.
I know that I am One with this energy. It surrounds, enfolds, and guides me. This quiet voice of wisdom fills my heart with the exact information that I need to live my life to the fullest every day.
Knowing I am a spiritual being having a human experience, I am at choice to change my universe. This quiet voice supports me as I release human thoughts, misidentifications, illnesses, and misunderstandings that no longer serve my highest good.
In that place of release, LOVE fills and heals all. I am a perfect spiritual being in perfect health, Wholeness, and Love. I am grateful for my perfect health, I am grateful for my quiet voice, I am grateful for stillness and I am grateful for God.
I release this to the law knowing I am loved and all is well.
And so it is.
~Rev. Nicole Robbins