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I Welcome All The Best Blessings

“Today and every day I expect the best.” - Catherine Ponder, Open Your Mind to Receive

There is One Presence, which is God. God is love and friendship; health and vitality; financial wisdom and freedom; creative expression and fulfillment. I am ONE with the Presence, therefore, I AM the God qualities of love and friendship; health and vitality; financial wisdom and freedom; creative expression and fulfillment.

I make a declaration that this year, 2023, is a perfect and complete idea in the Mind of God. I have a clear intention of what I desire for this year. I am specific, but I am also open to how it unfolds. I embrace any changes I need to make to accomplish my goals, such as releasing beliefs and habits that no longer serve me. I am worthy of the very best, I accept the very best, and I experience the very best right now! Relationships: If I desire a new relationship or friends, I think of the whole world as my friend, and I draw the right companions into my life. I am loving and lovable, so I am loved.

Health: I affirm that I am healthy and whole. My actions are compatible with being fit and healthy. I am guided on how to best nurture and support my physical body with the right activities, nutrition, and rest.

Finances: God is my Source, coming from various channels. I have plenty to share and to spare. I am open to receiving, and I am generous with others. I enjoy a comfortable life. I embody wisdom and guidance in making the right financial decisions.

Creative Expression: I experience creative fulfillment in work and play. I have unique talents and skills, and I have a career that is successful, satisfying, and prosperous. I engage in activities that bring me joy and gratification. I make time for activities that enrich my life.

Animal Companion: I am Divinely guided and directed to make decisions for my beloved companion’s highest good. I provide healthy food, clean water, toys, and activities for their optimum happiness and well-being.

How grateful I am for my new blessings. I am so thankful for wonderful companions, perfect health, financial freedom, and creative expression demonstrating through me. I am so appreciative that I am receiving the very, very best right now!

I release my word to the Law of Mind, knowing it is so, and so it is. Amen. Rev. Kathy Lyons

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