“When the law of circulation is retarded, stagnation results.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind
There is only one Source and that Source lives within all. I live in an Abundant Universe that operates on the premise that each of us is a single point of power and Creation. The Law of Circulation is always in effect: Knowing who I am, that I am a unique individualization of life as well as each and everyone one of us.
What we give, we receive. I am knowing that there is only One Divine Presence, one Infinite Being of wonder and joy that freely says “YES” to our creative requests. Knowing our thoughts and feelings are requests for creation, there is no blockage to the realization and acceptance of increased prosperity. I now choose increased prosperity and financial freedom. I am open and receptive to my good. Each generous action I express delivers wonder and joy to others and produces a conduit for the Infinite and Generous Spirit to send more. All channels are now open. All doors are now open.
I am Grateful for knowing this, grateful for sharing this and grateful for receiving this, I release my word into The Creative Medium, knowing that it is so. And so it is!!
Sherry Gideons, RScP