The one seeking to demonstrate the power of spiritual realization in everyday affairs should believe in Divine Guidance. ~Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, Page 167.
Bring it on, my next thing to do, everything different, everything true. ~Daniel Nahmood song, Everything New
I recognize that there is One Power, One Creative Intelligence, and I choose to call that God. God is creativity, guidance, and receptivity. I am One with God; therefore, I am creativity, guidance, and receptivity.
I accept that new good into my life. As the world is quickly changes, I gracefully flow with it. I release any old ideas, beliefs, or actions that no longer serve me. I affirm that change is good, and I am open to new ways of creating a wonderful life. I am creative and innovative on new ways to create happiness and prosperity. I am Divinely guided,
creative, and inspired, and living a life that I’ve always desired! The activity of God prevails in all that I do. I am engaging in new activities where I feel happy and fulfilled. I am now open and receptive to a wonderful life, excited about new experiences.
I give thanks for the creativity, guidance, and receptivity that I am experiencing right now. I am so I am creating new good in my life.
I release my word to the Law, knowing it is so. And so it is Amen.
Rev Kathy Lyons