“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” ~Charles Darwin
“Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.” ~Prince
We’re Not Going Back To “Normal,” We’re Getting Better.

Spirit is powerfully ALL THERE IS. God is beautiful/ugly, up/down, in/out, happy/sad, etc. I know that as Divine Intelligence is all there IS, then I am one with IT. There is only one life. That life is perfect. That life is God’s life. That life is my life.
I see God in everything, even the COVID pandemic with its petri dish of emotional issues as well as the virus mutations. With our strong spiritual practices of meditation, exercise, getting out in nature, eating healthy, and sleeping well, we are living the best of Spirit’s life. Most importantly, CSL-Granada Hills is blessed to be socially engaged; we know we are not alone because WE ARE CONNECTED! We support each other. We emerge into the beautiful sunshine of outside as a powerful force expressing our highest good. We rejoice to see our maskless smiles and receive comforting hugs. WE ARE SAFE!
We give great thanks that we have created this beautiful, supportive environment that radiates into the greater community of the world. Releasing this Word to Law, we relax into allowing it to happen. Love points the way, and the Law makes the way possible.
And so it is!
Rev. Jessica Fish