“We’ve learned to fly the air like birds, we’ve learned to swim the seas like fish, and yet we haven’t learned to walk the Earth as brothers and sisters.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

There is One Power operating. One Source. One Power that is in, within, and through all and everything. I choose complete oneness with the universal source knowing God is all there is.
This Oneness is whole, perfect and complete love, joy, abundance, and Light. This Power is the One Truth, and the only Truth. I have volition and dominion over all I choose to be from through the moments of today. Therefore, I expand, trust, impact and multiply love in the divine flow of light. I am completely immersed in the spirit of love and I breathe in and out complete oneness. All I see is a representation of God’s Love and light as one. I embrace the light of love in every moment and that light touches everything and everyone around me. I unite in knowing our Oneness and see the Unity in our Diversity as one. We are One with the source of love.
I say, simply, thank you God. I place these words into the Law, which always says, ‘Yes. I give thanks for the awareness of Divine Love within all.
I release my words of love to the Law of Mind knowing in assurance, that the love of God has already made it so.
And so It is.
Sherry Gideons, RScP