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New Year - New Me

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates Oh, how I love having God as my complete and constant companion! The ever-loving, healing, joyous and creative power that is God, is all and everything. I AM so blessed to be an expression of... and the actual hands and feet of God!

A new year is starting and there is no fear, only faith, and excitement! I know change is here, and I embrace it and don't spend any time fighting the old. Instead, I know that "something much better" is becoming my new experience from this moment on. I slow down and listen to what my soul and my heart are whispering to me. I embrace my longing, go for my dreams, develop my gifts and go where there is no path... and leave a trail! New Year = New Me! No restrictive resolutions! Today I pave my way together with God as my complete and constant companion, embrace change and build on the new knowing that my life is always moving forward and getting more wonderful with each day! And I do it with desire, direction, and discipline! With total trust, I give loving thanks for all these wonderful gifts that are now mine and send my words on Angel wings as Divine Law, knowing it is done. And So it Is. Amen. Agneta Bylund, RScP


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