At the beginning of the year I made a promise, I suspect we all did. We made some resolution that was meant to help us stay in the present glorious moment, being perfectly we in our divine uniqueness. We may have made a promise to put ourselves further down our spiritual path.
Now it is mid-year.
I always have to remind myself when I make my resolutions that we were always perfect, from the very beginning. Perfect in our absolute imperfection. Our imperfections, our quirks, our seeming flaws, our weird-nesses, our unique and irreplaceable flavors, are what makes us so love-able, so human, so real, so relate-able. We learn to love the mess of our lives, its constantly changing nature, and its unpredictability.
There just are no problems because we know ourselves as the infinite space of God. Even in our glorious imperfection, we are always a perfect expression of life, a beloved child of the universe, a complete work of art, unique in the world and deserving of all the riches of life. It is never about being a perfect ‘me’.
It is always about being perfectly Here, perfectly ourselves, in all our divine strangeness.
But now, months after we made those resolutions, something gets in the way.
Here is what Howard Thurman says about keeping resolutions, from his book, The Inward Journey.
“Despite the dullness and barrenness of the days that pass, if I search with due diligence, I can always find a deposit left by some former radiance of my resolution.
But I had forgotten. At the time it was fully-orbed, glorious, and resplendent. I was sure that I would never forget. In the moment of its fullness, I was sure that it would illumine my path for all the rest of my journey. I had forgotten how easy it is to forget.
There was no intent to betray what I seemed so sure of at the time. My response was whole, clean, and authentic. But little by little, there crept into my life the dust and grit of the journey. Details, lower-level demands, all kinds of cross currents — nothing momentous, nothing overwhelming, nothing flagrant — just wear and tear. If there had been some direct challenge –a clear-cut issue — I would have fought it to the end, and beyond.
In the quietness of this place, surrounded by the all-pervading Presence of God, my heart whispers: Keep fresh before me the moments of my High Resolve, that in fair weather or in foul, in good times or in tempests, in the days when the darkness and the foe are nameless or familiar, I may not forget that to which my life is committed.”
Let us keep fresh before us that we are committed to being perfectly Here, perfectly ourselves, living the life of God.
Thank you!
This blog post is from a 5 Minute Talk by Rev. Jessica Fish at a Wednesday night or Sunday service at Center for Spiritual LIving. 5 Minute Talks are always given by a Licensed Practitioner or Minister, and convey observations and experiences of using the Science of Mind teaching in day to day life. For more creative thoughts like this and to learn more about the teaching, read more on our website or attend one of our services.