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Faith In Infinite Truth

"Faith is a mental attitude that is so convinced of its own ideas - which it completely accepts - that any contradiction is unthinkable and impossible." ~ Ernest Holmes

"Now faith is the substances of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." ~Hebrews 11:1

I know that there is only One Power, One Presence, One Truth, and that this Truth is the Truth of God. As we become consciously aware of God's Presence we are blessed with the peace that passes all understanding. I absolutely know that we are completely in enveloped by the presence of God, for there is no place where God is not. Everything everywhere has been created by this Presence. We know this when we look at a flower or see the clouds in the sky that bless us with rain that fills our lakes with fresh water.

Having faith in this Infinite Truth causes us to open wide to receive its blessings allowing them to flow through every aspect of our life. We are inspired to make choices that bring the highest good to ourselves and everyone else. This brings the blessing of perfect health and wholeness for ourselves and everyone else. It brings true prosperity with infinite blessings to all and it brings inspiration that allows us to make choices that bring our True Self fully into our lives expressing our true purpose.

All fear, doubt, or worries are now completely and lovingly embraced. The energy is now transformed into the Loving Sustaining energy of the All Good of God.

It is with complete Faith that we lovingly thank God and that we know it is happening right now without any hesitation.

I release my word to the Law of Mind knowing that it is already happening.

And So It Is. Amen

Rosalie Bate RScP


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 â€‹Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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