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Agneta Bylund, RScP (remote)

Agneta is one of our Practitioners-at-large, from her new home in Arizona. She found her way to our Center in 2003, from Agape. She has since enjoyed years of classes, and has been a licensed practitioner for several years.

In her profession she is an energy healer, Reiki teacher, a massage therapist, and also does communication with the “other side”.

As Agneta says herself, “I’m so blessed to work with God every day! It’s wonderful, and now a way of life. I never worry anymore. As long as I align myself with spiritual principles, I’m good! It’s great to be of service! Thank you!”


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 ​Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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