In an organizational context, stewardship refers to management’s responsibility to properly utilize and develop its resources, including its people, its property, and its financial assets.
In our community, stewardship also refers to thanking and recognizing donors. This includes organizing thank you phone calls, recognition events, and conveying the impact that the donor’s gift has had.
We practice stewardship by electing a Board of Trustees from the general church membership.
Any card-carrying member of our spiritual community may sit on the Board if they have met other certain Science of Mind (SOM) formalities.
We, as a Board, recognize our fiduciary duty to the Center and base it upon the belief that God is the true and ultimate Source of each person’s possessions, and that one is accountable for the acceptable care and use of those possessions. As 501(c)3 non-profit corporate entity, we are required by law to maintain accurate financial records and report regularly to the Center membership. This we do through monthly meetings and the annual general membership meeting in the first quarter of the new year. All are welcome to attend.
Read CSLGH Giving Teaches Our Kids to Give Back to learn how we teach these concepts to our youth!