“Practically the whole human race is hypnotized because it thinks what somebody else told it to think.” ~Ernest Holmes

Prayer for Clarity and Thanksgiving
Today I see clearly and I speak from this space of knowing clarity. I am one with humanity and I experience and feel joy and sorrows with all of my brothers and sisters. We are ALL expressions of Spirit–the Universal Energy embracing the personal. I am willing today to speak Truth to power in the most gentle and kind way afforded to me in this moment, for I know when the vision is clear the decision is easy. I stand united in peace and understanding, equality and transformation. I pray without ceasing and forgive as I remember to ask for forgiveness.
I give thanks for breath Itself–Life-force that we share. I give thanks for every idea, inspiration, act of kindness, and opportunity that comes to me today as I know better and I do better. I am grateful for the affirmative and forward movement of the word “yes” for I am ready and available this beautiful day for doing the work and walking the path of Love….God is Love
And so it is, amen
Reverend Jeanne Hoffman