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“God’s work is done, finished and complete, but it is unfolding to our conscious awareness in proportion as we learn the truth and how to bring ourselves into harmony with that truth. The next step is not up to God; it is up to you and to me.” ~Joel Goldsmith, The Art of Spiritual Healing

I AM so very grateful for every opportunity to recognize Spirit as Divine Creation. It is wonderful to know that there is an Infinite Intelligence of the Universe and it is God. How freeing it is to know that there is One Power in this spiritual universe and it is God. How wondrous it is to embrace this truth that there is only infinite, immortal, eternal God, ever present, everywhere.

In this moment, I dive deeper into an expanded awareness of my life as the life of God, that which is closer than my breathing and nearer than hands and feet. Since God is, IAM … a Divine instrument thru which Spirit reveals Itself, and all the qualities of Mother-Father God are the qualities of my individual being, made in the likeness of Truth, Love, Harmony and Peace.

Dwelling in that place of the most high, soaring on the wings of Divinity, and embracing Oneness, I realize that all of my needs are met and the Kingdom is at hand. There is nothing to ask for … it has all been given. All that is mine to do is acknowledge and rejoice. Finding myself in God, of God and as God, there is happiness, harmony, peace, joy and love. Every aspect and experience of my beingness reveals perfect order as I delight in glorifying the Divine and demonstrating more peace, more love, more joy, eternality, immortality, health, harmony, wholeness, infinite abundance, and all good.

I give thanks for this awareness and remain grateful for everything. I know this word is one of Truth, spoken with the authority of one who knows that God is all there is.

I release this word to that aspect of Infinite Intelligence known as the Law, which always and only says “YES”. Knowing this, I know it is done. It is so. And so it is.


Andrea Recht, RScP


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 ​Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

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