"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be open unto you”. ~Matthew 7:7
“Let us choose to be identified with power, with love and beauty, with peace and happiness. Let us identify with abundance and with success.” ~Ernest Holmes
Science of Mind

I know that our Loving Sustaining Creator is everywhere present. It has an all knowing wisdom that goes beyond our ability to comprehend. Having created everything everywhere it has also created us in its own image and likeness, so that means that we are creators as well. As we become consciously aware of our ability to create, we realize that where our attention goes our energy flows and that we can choose what we create.
It is with joyous anticipation that I now decide to put attention on bringing the highest good to myself and to everyone else. I realize now that this good is the all Good of God and that when I place my attention there I see this magnificent Good in myself and everywhere else. This Goodness brings Love, Joy and Peace. I rejoice in knowing that as I experience this my cup overflows with the energy of abundance beyond my wildest dreams blessing this world with God’s Love.
I am so deeply grateful to have this connection with the Source of all Good. I anticipate this Good, I live into this Good and it manifests as Eternal Goodness on all levels of life.
I say yes to this Truth and I simply allow it to be.
And So It Is
~Rosalie Bate, RScP