“The body of man is made from the same undifferentiated Spiritual Substance from which all Creation is formed.” ~Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes pg. 177
I know that there is only One Power, One Presence, and One Life and it is the Life of God who is the Loving Sustaining Creator of all. I am One with this presence.
As we look around we see God’s creations in the stars, we can see God in the flowing river and we see God in all of life, for God’s creations are everywhere.
I know that I am one with God's presence because I am one of God’s creations. I also know that the Love Intelligence that governs the universe governs my life. It flows through me and manifests as perfect health and wholeness in mind and body. It also manifests as infinite abundance, right relationships, and a deep inner knowing that the Truth of God abides in me and is manifested in every aspect of my life.
I am now releasing any fear, doubt, and worry in m
y life and I am placing it in God’s hands. The energy is now transformed into strength, wisdom, Love, and understanding.
I now know that God always provides for us. All of our needs are met by our loving sustaining Creator who knows our needs even before we do. It is with deep gratitude that I receive this great blessing. I simply allow it to be. And So It Is
~Rosalie Bate, RScP